What Damages are Collectable in a Wrongful Death Case

In a bodily Injury or wrongful death lawsuit, there are basically three major hurdles that need to be overcome to keep you in court until you can have the judge or jury decide your case. Those same hurdles exist in trying to get your case settled before it ever gets to court. If the insurance claims adjustor for the at-fault party can be convinced you will likely overcome those hurdles in court, settlement can often be achieved before a lawsuit is ever filed.
So what are those hurdles? The law requires you, the injured party, to plead and prove facts establishing the following legal elements.
1. Liability.
2. Causation.
3. Damages.
Liability and causation are addressed under their own sections. Here, we discuss the monetary damages available to you in a wrongful death case.
In all the wrongful death cases we have handled over the past 30-plus years, we are always faced with the task of placing a monetary value on a person’s life. After all, money is the only type of compensation available in a civil case. There is no magic formula. It boils down to what sum of money a reasonable person (as viewed by a judge or jury) would award you for the loss of your loved one. While such economic calculations are a very hard thing to do, we have the training, education, experience and access to the greatest economic experts in America to do so. During the pendency of your case we will take you through our analysis and reasoning at every stage.
We will explore all potential types of damage recovery in your case. That includes past and future ECONOMIC DAMAGES such as the financial support that the decedent would have contributed to the family; the loss of gifts or benefits that you would have expected to receive from decedent; funeral and burial expenses; and the reasonable value of household services the decedent would have provided.
Recoverable monetary damages also include past and future NON-ECONOMIC DAMAGES such as the loss of decedent’s love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection, society, moral support; the loss of decedent’s training and guidance; and other damages.
We are sorry for your loss. We can help you get justice for you and your loved one.
We will review your case for free. As always, no recovery, no fee.